Cross is here — and so is BTD!
BikeTiresDirect is thrilled to be partnered up with Harvest Cyclocross for the first cyclocross series of the year in Oregon. If you are reading this page, it means you are pretty thrilled on harvest CX too.
Part of our partnership with Harvest Cyclocross is that we are offering up our race photographs to you, the racers!
Use them for any non-commercial purposes you wish — print & put over your mantle, share with your family & loved ones, photoshop your head onto Wout Van Aert's body...you get it — just kindly give us a photo credit, and shout out Harvest CX when you do (@biketiresdirect & @harvestcyclocross on Instagram).
If you aren't familiar with us yet, hello! Since 2002 we've been serving cyclists of all disciplines in the PNW and worldwide from our home-base right here in Portland. While tires are in our DNA (and name), we offer a lot more than just rubber: components, tools, apparel & shoes, bikes, everything a cyclist needs to keep rolling.
We're glad you're here, and are especially thankful to the folks at Harvest CX letting us be a part of their community.
Enjoy the photos, and be sure to share & tag your friends!
-The BTD Team
The Photo Albums
Photos by Bertrand Mejia-Morin
*Singlespeed race photographed by Aaron Anderson