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I am now on my second Bell XR Spherical helmet. My first one sacrificed itself when I launched over the handlebars and landed on the top of my head. I am not sure what mechanism in the helmet (or help from angels) saved me from serious injury but whatever it was I am thankful for the technology that saved me from what could have been catastrophic damage to my head and neck. As it turns out, other than a bit of a stiff neck the helmet helped ensure that I will ride again.
The helmet is expensive but the value it brings can not be overstated!
This is a very good helmet. It uses a new "helmet in helmet" technology, where the "outer helmet" rotates on the "inner helmet." The helmet is padded and fits me nicely. The helmet is very light, in spite of being two helmets in one. Technologically, I think this helmet is an improvement over prior MIPS technology. It seems like it would protect very well.
My complaint is that the straps are too short for proper adjustment. I reached the very end of the front strap to gain an acceptable fit. I imagine they don't want to provide extra, so you don't have to cut the straps. However, I think this is a mistake. They should give you extra length and instructions for cutting. They need to change this, in my opinion. I considered returning the helmet for this reason, but figured I was just as likely that I would get something that fit less well. Most people won't have this problem, I think, since I seem to need exceptionally long straps.
My husband wore a helmet when when i met him 20 years ago. Although I owned a helmet then I only wore it a handful of times since my parents did not wear helmets. Sine my husband and i mostly rode with my parents Eventually we both quit wearing our helmets and that was the end of them. Of course our kids have never been on a bike with out a helmet. And now that the kids are older my husband has been riding a bit more. Since he has been doing off road trails i got him a helmet. I noticed he has been wearing it more and more. Recently my preteen kids asked why mom did not have a helmet. Of course mom is a safe biker who only rides slow lol. It got me thinking and on my next ride i grabbed my husbands bell spark helmet. I got it adjusted to my head fairly quick. But what really amazed me was how light and comfy it was. I liked the way it felt and a ton of air came through to keep my head cool. But most importantly i felt Safe. As soon as i got home I started looked for a great deal and found a spark in white (it matches my bike.). I am actually a little excited to get and start wearing my new helmet
So this is the 2nd convertible helmet from Bell I've owned, the 5th I've tried. I tried Leatt 3.0 Enduro Medium and Large; owned Bell SuperAir-R (XL - as per the mfg size guide); tried the SuperAir-R Large. Here is the skinny for, well skinny heads. - Seems like my head is more oval shaped so the SuperAir-R was a difficult fit - Large seemed too small and the XL was pretty floppy even tightened down all the way. Leatt Enduro Large was really really big and the Medium was just too tight. Enter the Super DH, yes it is a bit heavier and warmer than the others but it carries with that weight the confidence of the DH cert with the removable chin-bar. Fit system is awesome and the Size was perfect for that in-between oval head. (now I have to figure out what to do with my slightly used Super Air-R in XL)