User submitted reviews
Review by Tracie Wolfe
When you call, they are always there. No listening to boring music, just a pleasant well informed employee who knows what they are talking about. Also, spending the time to explain about different components and such.
The only place I go for all my bike gear!!
Review by rusty
I've ridden with & w/o SportLegs, noticeable difference
esp. after 2hrs+ worth of riding
its not a endurolyte replacement (cramps)
however you will benefit from SportLegs on longer rides
and seems to aid with recovery as well
Review by MightyG
Very few sports supplements are actually effective...Sportlegs is one of the exceptions. An retired pro racer recommended Sportlegs to me and I was very skeptical, until I started using this. I'm a hard core cyclists and I spend enough time on the bike, that I can notice subtle changes in performance. I've been using this supplement for over a year now, and there is no question, Sportlegs makes a very noticeable improvement in my ability to push bigger gears and maintain a higher pace over the course of a ride, before my legs are fried. I hesitate to says this...but the difference for my body, is almost night and day. I can't say that you will see the same effect as I have, but give this a try and see for yourself. I'm a believer in using Sportlegs supplement.
Review by Jay
If you're one of those cyclists who typically suffers from burning muscles on hard rides, you really want to give these a try. Take a few of these before you start your ride, then one to two an hour, and your muscles will probably feel much better at the end. These really don't help with fatigue so you're not going to be any stronger. But the muscle burn will likely be significantly diminished allowing you to push that much harder, which means in the long run you will be stronger.
Review by Anonymous
Have used these for years, bit they are getting hard to find. I take one or two (weight-based) before a ride, one hourly on long rides.
Review by Hassett
Best price I can find for a great supplement.
Review by 1bikerguy
I feel they help me on longer group rides to stay up front.
Review by j.c.
i do everything i can to prevent being sore, i use this before a hard ride and a recovery drink after and both really cut down on the pain,
Review by Anonymous
I've used sports legs for years with the same results. They work! The best way to describe is after a hard pull at the front of a paceline or a full out sprint the legs seem to recover quicker. I always use them before a tough ride.
Review by UtahJock
....during and after riding.
Review by AlaBiker
Rode a long century in the Smokies recently with over 10K of climbing and used the samples of this they were giving out, made a huge difference in recovery and legs barely sore the next day. Normally would have wiped me out. Rare to say that a product makes such a profound difference. I bought a whole bottle and take them now when I have a big ride!
Review by Anonymous
I've used sportlegs for years while running and cycling. They do make a big difference. I sometimes dissolve them in water before a run or ride or just take the capsules. I also put them in my drink I use while exercising. If you try them you won't be disappointed.
Review by Anonymous
It's hard to say Sportcaps boost performance, but I definitely feel less achey and depleted the day after long and/or intense workouts and races. If you ride (or do other types of exercise) in hot conditions where you sweat a lot, it's worth taking a few capsules before and after your workout or race.
Review by Stewart
I've been riding mountain bikes since 1988 and have suffered from leg cramps for many years. I attended the Sea Otter Classic last year and got some free sport legs samples. The vendor said they would help and he was right. Sport legs are now part of my regular bike ride routine. I always take 2 before and after a ride. No more leg cramps and I recover faster.
Review by slamper
WHen I use this product as the direction say I no longer worry about leg cramps that have plagued me my entire life! Awesome stuff!
Review by scappoose cowboy
I ride a lot of mt. climbing roads and thought this might help. Haven't noticed any difference,maybe I will just try calcium.
Review by Pintail
I am a runner and biker. I train for half marathons and 70.3 Ironman. This stuff is amazing as it reduces lactic acid before it builds up in your muscles in training. I highly recommend it!
Review by Anonymous
I notice a pretty big difference, on long rides, when I use these as recommended compared to when I do not. They will help push through some of the pain. They do not help prevent cramps.
Review by Anonymous
I don't use many products like this, but it works for me on race days
Review by Luis Zambrana
I used this supplement for many months and its excelent, i road my bike with out pain in my legs