User submitted reviews
Review by Panzon
On a long ride I like having these in my jersey pocket . I never would have thought these could provide energy to finish the ride / make the goal . I've not had one I didn't like ; I was apprehensive of salted watermelon but it is one of my favorites . The only thing I don't like is sticky fingers that cause sticky brake levers and shifters , but I'm willing to deal with it . It's hard to let sticky fingers get the better of good energy and good bicycle rides .
Review by Lenny ski
BTD keeps the price of GU at a reasonable point. I'm sold on using GU in all conditions. It is easy to carry and easy on the stomach.
Review by Geoff Brace
As well as having the option of flavor and caffeine level, these gels really suit my digestion system. Taken as suggested they have powered me through my first century in 20 years and a recent hilly metric.
Review by Mikey
I take a tube on my rides ranging from 28 to 35 miles. I will use a tube of GU halfway through the ride during my break. Last Saturday was my fastest ride home averaging 15.7 mph. I think the GU helped me do this.
Review by Alan Brown
A variety of flavors so you don't get burned out on just one.
Review by Adam
These are a regular snack for me on bike rides. Easy to carry and digest well. I feel the boost immediately.
Review by Joel_CA
I used these energy gels specifically during my last Century ride to see what kind of impact they would have on my riding and I was pleasantly surprised. This last Century was one of the easiest 100 milers I've completed and felt I could do more.
Review by Panzon
I didn't think I liked buying in bulk but the variety box was a great way to get to know other flavors that I had not tried . It was nice to not have to rush to the store the night before a longer ride .
Review by billwtx22
I use Gu for relatively short bike rides of 100Km (62.1 miles) or less. It gives a quick burst of energy needed before pulling my local bike club at 20+ mph. So that I don't get tired of individual flavors, I like the variety pack.
Review by GregS
GU is my go-to fuel for everyday rides. If it's super cold out, or I need a quick push, I'll take the extra caffeine flavors (40mg), which really help. I've become a fan of all the flavors, and enjoy the variety packs. For long endurance/intense activity rides use their "Roctane" mix.
Review by Paul M
I always stock up when BTD has a good sale
Review by Panzon
Chocolate and coffee are tasty but the fruit flavors are a great way to mix it up when you're riding a little further . They are easy 'eat' while riding on dirt or rough pavement .
Review by Pads
One of the big concern with gels are it's taste and texture. It's not for everybody but I find gels easy to consume on the go. It can be messy and sticky. The taste is not bad. Not overly sweet and the different flavors of this box keeps you interested.
Review by Anonymous
I first used GU gels in long distance running so stuck with them when I started cycling far enough to need mid ride fueling. I like the mix of flavors in the "Indulgent" box and buying in bulk is easier on the wallet. I find them very easy to eat, and the small size makes them equally easy to carry in a jersey pocket.
Review by Anonymous
Can't beat this price and a great combo of flavors.
Review by Anonymous
I like these gels a lot. They do the work, are ok with stomach, and pack small.
Review by Robert
Been using these for years. Depending on ride length, I choose with or without caffeine accordingly. They offer me quick energy when needed or wanting to push more miles. I do not get stomach upset from these. Easy to consume while riding too.
Review by Sasanoa
GU tastes good, replenishes what I need during a hard ride, and is easy to pack. The variety pack gives me options for flavors and caffeine levels. Other than being sticky as heck if you get it on your fingers I give it two thumbs up.
Review by Cykelling
I've used Gu for a number of years and it keeps me riding. I purchased the mixed indulgence pack this time and they taste like I'm having a fancy dessert. This product works great and tastes awesome!
Review by Anonymous
I use these on longer rides, and usually have one tucked away in case of emergencies (the dreaded bonk). Easy to use, great flavors, fast shipping from BTD! Vanilla bean is my favorite, but they are all so tasty.