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A Bicyclist's Best Friend
Pick up a bottle of Boeshield T-9® to waterproof your chain, lubricate cables, and prevent rust with its effective all-in-one formula that works in both wet and dry conditions. Available in a 4 oz squeeze bottle for precision application.
Boeshield T-9® Was developed by The Boeing Company for lubrication and protection of aircraft components. It is a combination of solvents, lubricants, and waxes designed for penetration, moisture displacement, lubrication and protection. Boeshield T-9® dries to a thin waxy film that clings to metal for months. It will loosen rusty and corroded parts and is safe on paints, plastics, and vinyl's. Perfect for drive trains, derailleurs, pivots, cables or any bicycle part in need of lubrication.
- Reaches deeper: T-9 stays liquid long enough to permeate metal crevices and seep deep inside assembled components to leave a durable protective coating that lubricates and protects, all without dismantling your equipment.
- Completely waterproof: T-9 dries to a clean, waxy, waterproof film that won't wash off in rain, puddles or mud. You can rinse away sand, dust and grime with water, while leaving the lubricant intact.
- One step to long-term protection: Apply T-9 to any metal surface and let it dry. One simple step gives you a thin, penetrating film of durable, waterproof protection and lubrication that endures, month after month, mile after mile.
Ground Ship Only
B-Stock - This product has one or more B-Stock units available. These units can be purchased at a discount (see option select). B-Stock units were returned from other customers and may have missing or damaged packaging materials. These units are otherwise as new. The full manufacturer warranty applies. Click Here for more information.
The product weight specified is an approximate weight based on the manufacturer's specifications (if available) or our measurement of one or two examples. For most products, the weight will typically vary by 5% to 10%.
Weight: 104 grams | |
Mfg PartNum: T90104 BOX |
I've used a lot of different chain lubes, including how wax treatments. The hot wax is great, and your chain stays bright and shiny, but it's a huge pain to degrease and treat a new chain, and a moderate pain to remove the chain and hot wax it again. Lubes like TriFlow work well but get black and grimy, and I won't use lubes that have Teflon for the environment's sake.
Boeshield T-9 goes on easily without removing the chain, lubes very well, lasts a long time, and your chain doesn't get nearly so grimy and gunky as with the oiler lubes. It's not as clean as hot wax, of course, but it's *so* much more convenient. I still wash a new chain in naptha to get that heavy grease off before lubing with T-9, and that help too. (I also only put one drop of lube on each link and then remove as much as possible from the outside of the chain with some old terrycloth. You only need lube inside the link, not outside where it collects grit and dust.)
We have this lube in the shop here at Bike Tires Direct. I never really thought about it but have always used it. The thing that I like about the boeshield is the ease of use. You just pour it on your chain, let it sit for 2hrs, wipe it clean, and your done.
Oh yeah It works great too. Plus it was developed by The Boeing Company for planes-what more can I say?
The Boeshield T9 Chain Lube is used to lube chain and cables. It resists water and dirt and keeps chain noise to a minimum. It is a great value and seems to reduce accumulation of dirt build up.
In 4 decades of serious cycling I've used an array of chain lubes. Boeshield T9 is works the best for me.
I got onto it abut 15yrs ago after always noticing how clean my buddy's drivetrain was whenever I was on his wheel. When I asked him about it, he said, "T9, man. It lubes great and doesn't get black goo all over like Tri-Flow"
i was tiring of constantly cleaning my chain with a plastic chain cleaning box and the mess it made. So I started using T9 and and never looked back. Now I NEVER clean my chain and my drivetrain components last
longer than they ever did before ! Reason being this stuff doesn't attract dirt easily. You simply put a drop on each link roller, then run your chain through a rag. You clean and lube the chain all in one swipe.
Because it has a slight wax base, you do get a little build-up on your cassette after many miles. But it sort of crumbles off easily by running an old spoke between the gears.
Quiet, clean drivetrain. Low maintenance. Long component life.........I like it !
Been riding for 40 years ,raced for 20 ,keeping it fun 74 averaging 150 or so miles a week
I'm getting crazy miles out of dur ace chains with T 9 6000 miles
oiling every 100 120 miles
Seems to work as described, good all around lube for wet or dry conditions. Very thin/watery but that should help it penetrate into the areas needed. Switched to this from "Chain Ice". Appears to work as well and not as sticky.
My LBS recommended this lubricant for my chain and I'm glad he did. I've tried another brand of lubricant, but found that I had to clean the chain way too often as it got dirty pretty quickly. This product keeps the chain clean and squeaky free. Other rides ask how I keep my chain and cassette always looking new, they think I sneakingly polish those parts while they aren't looking. I am anal about keeping the chain and cassette (or as I sometimes refer to as sprockets) clean as I don't like them dirty and I don't like having to replace parts unnecessarily . It's easy to apply, After cleaning the chain with the Parks chain cleaner tool, I spin the chain backward slowly while adding a drop to each link, let it set a few hours and wipe the chain to remove any excess. The lubricant lasts a long time since you aren't cleaning and lubing all the time.
Highly recommended.
I only use this lube on my chain, use the other lubes i tried on all the other drive train parts. I like the way it applies, stays on and cleans up, most of all a quiet chain. Ia'm a fanatic about a clean, quiet chain, wipe chain, put this on each link, wipe next day, wipe down after every ride.
I have been using the T-9 chain oil for the last 15 years. I apply it, let it soak, then wipe off the excess with a rag, then wipe it again after a ride. Frequency depends on my ride schedule, but wiping the chain after each ride keeps the chain clean and shiny ... I never have to do a heavy/detailed cleaning.
Loud, does not last long (e.g. I have to reapply every 100 miles) and even when fully saturated, it does not work as well as Chain-L, Prolink Gold or Clean Ride.
Stay away. What's good for airplanes (Boeing) is not good for a chain.
Boeshield T9 is good for a lot of stuff, including protecting metal. However, as a bike chain lubricant it is not so great.
Friction Facts rates T9 as a lubricant something like 40 out of 53 lubricants that it tested in the bottom third for sure. There are many lubricants that are considerably better than Boeshield. I used Boeshield and gave it a try and compared to the other lubes that I use I found that Friction Facts results seem to be right on. It didn't last as long or provide as quiet and smooth of a drive train as the other lubes I use (and that I wish Bike Tires Direct carried - like the Rock 'n Roll lube series that were in the top 5 of the Friction Facts test).
I've been using this chain lube on my $3000 rode bikes for years. It's the only one I buy. I read about it in Bicycling Magazine years ago, tried it, liked it and haven't used anything else. Price is a little on the high side but it's worth it.
I wipe down my chain and lube with T9 every 100 miles. This keeps the chain quiet and the last chain didn't register any wear after 5000 miles (using the Park CC-2 chain wear tool). After letting the oiled chain set for an hour it gets wiped to remove the excess oil & grime leaving a nice shiny, clean and quiet chain.
Mechanic's Corner
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